Daily efforts.
Making your day a success starts with simple habits.
We all have tasks that aren’t fun, but necessary. For example: laundry.
It might seem like I LOVE doing laundry. Here’s the truth. I love seeing the laundry DONE. Not the act of it, but accomplishing it and keeping on top of it.
It’s no secret that I recommend doing laundry daily. Just one simple load a day. This means you can avoid a whole day of doing loads and loads of laundry. My weekends are for ME, not chores. That is success to me.
Consider this for any part of your to-do list. Making small efforts to make your day a success!
The compound effect applies to your to-do list or goals list just as much as it does your bank account.
Small efforts each day compound to BIG results over time.
Game Day List.
The Daily Deposit journal has been a game changer for me. Particularly because of the Game day list.
We all have to-do lists a mile long. Often times we get stuck in “I have sooo much to do and don’t know where to start” that we just freeze. Sound familiar?
This can result in nothing getting done, and you get more overwhelmed and frustrated. Not to mention, the list is still there, likely getting longer as you stall.
Stop focusing on the WHOLE list. Focus on what you can impact that day.
Gary Keller wrote the book called The One Thing, and the premise is focusing on what you can do that that will make everything else easier or unneccessary. Whoa.
Not just the low-hanging fruit. The big impact things. We naturally do the easy things first and avoid the hard things {but I digress, that’s a whole other Saturday night}.
Tackle FIVE things and day by day you WILL have success.
What is on your game day list today?
Sign up for my email at danielemineck.com for more tips to stay organized throughout your day.
Make a list of the things you want to accomplish in a week and then break it down into only 5 to-do items each day.